Just Wanted to Ask

Tom Kranz - From Newsroom to Novelist

Episode Summary

What leads someone to become an author? Today, we uncover an inspiring story that illuminates this very topic! Join Anne as she speaks with Tom Kranz, a former newsroom journalist turned novelist. Whether you're a budding writer or someone contemplating a career change, Tom's journey offers valuable lessons and inspiration! Stay tuned!

Episode Notes

Here's what to expect on the podcast:


About Tom:

Tom Kranz is a career journalist, retired EMT, and self-published author with seven books.  His most recent book is a novel, Wreck and Return: An EMT’s Journey Into and Out of Darkness, broadly based on his experience as a volunteer NJ EMT while working full-time as a news manager at CBS.


Connect with Tom Kranz!

Website: https://tomkranzbooks.com/

Podcast: https://typetunetint.com/

Food Spunk: https://foodspunk.com/author/tomkranz/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DupaXoJrC00


Connect with  Anne Zuckerman!

Websites: https://justwantedtoask.com/ | https://annezuckerman.com/

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