Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mining industry? Join Anne as she speaks with Rose Rybachek about what life is like working in gold mines. Rose will also share a glimpse of working over a mile underground - out of the reach of sunlight and communications. Stay tuned!
Here are the things to expect in the episode:
About Rose:
What do a blood-curdling scream, a raging bull moose, a mournful wolf howl, and a near-disastrous chimney fire have in common? Those are just a few of the challenges faced by Rose and her family in the Wilds of Alaska.
Rose Rybachek is a lifetime member of the Pioneers of Alaska, she served as Editor of the Alaska Miner, and she was a columnist for the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner and the All-Alaska Weekly. Rose served as President of the Alaska State PTA and the Alaska Miners Association and has been a Licensed Ham Radio Operator for over 50 years.
Books Written by Rose Rybachek Available at:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3nCaqqL
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/14602800.Rose_Rybachek
Thriftbooks: https://www.thriftbooks.com/a/rose-rybachek/2705194/
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