When you look into a mirror, you often assume that what you see accurately reflects reality. But is your mirror really telling the truth? Join Anne as she speaks with Paulina Fernandez about the confidence-boosting effects of upgrading your image. When you come to understand and master the skill of presenting yourself with grace and allowing your inner beauty to radiate, you will find yourself deeply appreciating your own reflection! Stay tuned!
Here are the things to expect in the episode:
About Paulina:
Paulina is an Image consultant and Senior sales director with Mary Kay cosmetics. She was a chemical engineer and worked for a global multinational as a production engineer. Has a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and a Masters in Business Administration. She was born and raised in Colombia, South America.
Connect with Paulina Fernandez!
Website: https://www.marykay.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulinafernandezmk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulina.fernandez.589
Connect with Anne Zuckerman!
Websites: https://justwantedtoask.com/ | https://annezuckerman.com/
Bezi Woman: https://beziwoman.com/ | https://www.beziwoman.shop/two-step-order1591558404525
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