Just Wanted to Ask

John Hewitt - Benefits of a Franchise Business

Episode Summary

Starting a business is a dream for many, but it comes with various risks and challenges. For both first-time entrepreneurs and seasoned businesspeople, opting for a franchise instead of a startup can be advantageous! Join Anne as she speaks with John Hewitt about the myriad benefits associated with a franchise business. With his extensive experience in the field, John sheds light on the advantages franchises offer over traditional startups. From established brand recognition to proven business models, franchises can provide a solid foundation for those entering the business world! Stay tuned!

Episode Notes

Here's what to expect on the podcast:


About John:

John Hewitt is the "Hewitt" in "Jackson Hewitt Tax Service," after which he founded "Liberty Tax Service" with over 6,000 offices. John sold his interest in Liberty for nearly 500 million dollars. Now John and his partners and friends are helping Entrepreneurs discover how to become CEOs - "Building Their Empires" for the King of Kings. He is the author of the fascinating book “iCompete: How My Extraordinary Strategy for Winning Can Be Yours” and the CEO of Loyalty Brands.


Connect with John Hewitt!

Website: https://loyaltybrands.com/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@loyaltybrands8470

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loyaltybrandsfranchises/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loyalty_brands/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-t-hewitt-9917b7149/


Connect with  Anne Zuckerman!

Websites: https://justwantedtoask.com/ | https://annezuckerman.com/

Bezi Woman:  https://beziwoman.com/ | https://www.beziwoman.shop/two-step-order1591558404525

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