Just Wanted to Ask

Jake Stahl - What is a Conversation?

Episode Summary

Technology has changed the way people talk to each other. This means everyone, including business owners, needs to improve at having good conversations! Join Anne as she speaks with Jake Stahl about what makes a good conversation. Jake uses his expertise to tackle challenges related to conversation skills in companies. He focuses on helping both employees and business owners. Jake believes getting better at conversations is vital to growing a business! Stay tuned!

Episode Notes

Here's what to expect on the podcast:


About Jake:

Jake is a pioneer in conversational dynamics and a highly regarded fractional Chief Learning Officer. He is revolutionizing sales through his 'Adaptive Conversational Blueprint,' turning sales professionals into relational architects capable of forging profound connections with prospects. Integral to his approach is the 2/10 Rule, which challenges traditional perspectives on conversation and emphasizes the importance of rhythm and cadence.

With a rich background spanning 30 years, Jake has shared his expertise in training and development across six countries, impacting over 10,000 individuals. A master mason and father of four, Jake seamlessly blends practical experience and insightful wisdom in his pursuit of the perfect conversation and empowers businesses through masterful conversations.


Connect with Jake Stahl!

Website: https://jakestahlconsulting.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jakestahl/


Connect with  Anne Zuckerman!

Websites: https://justwantedtoask.com/ | https://annezuckerman.com/

Bezi Woman:  https://beziwoman.com/ | https://www.beziwoman.shop/two-step-order1591558404525

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