Just Wanted to Ask

Cheri Andrews - Legally Protecting Your Business - Must Haves

Episode Summary

Creating a successful business involves more than just focusing on revenue and acquiring customers. It's crucial to consider various aspects, including legal protection! Join Anne as she speaks with Cheri Andrews about business legalities. By staying informed and proactive about legal matters, you can mitigate risks and pave the way for sustainable growth and success! Stay tuned!

Episode Notes

Here's what to expect on the podcast:


About Cheri:

Cheri D. Andrews, Esq., Small Business and Trademark Attorney Cheri Andrews helps small business owners sleep better at night. Using flat rate pricing, Cheri works with entrepreneurs to get all their legal ducks in a row so their business is legally compliant and protected! Her best-selling book, Smooth Sailing, An Essential Guide to Legally Protecting Your Business, provides guidance in business formation, contracts, compliance, and trademarks. When she’s not crossing t’s and dotting i’s, Cheri loves to travel, read, get messy with mixed media art, and hang out with her grandson Connor.


Connect with Cheri Andrews!

Website: https://www.cheriandrews.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cheri-andrews/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheridandrews/

Facebook Business Page: https://www.facebook.com/YourSmallBusinessAttorney/

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sbletstalklegal


Connect with  Anne Zuckerman!

Websites: https://justwantedtoask.com/ | https://annezuckerman.com/

Bezi Woman:  https://beziwoman.com/ | https://www.beziwoman.shop/two-step-order1591558404525

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